After reading rave reviews of Trader Joe's tomato and roasted red pepper soup on the Enquirer Foodie Report, I went out and bought a box. However, I was disappointed. It was creamy, but bland and far too sweet for my taste. (For an idea of what I think tomato soup should taste like, try Progresso's version.)
I described the Trader Joe's soup in an e-mail to Mr. W as "hot tomato milk" - which is when I decided to pour the remaining soup into the ice-cream maker. Just to see.
The result was not as disappointing as the hot soup - but only because my expectations were lower. It was icy, salty, and still bland - although you could at least taste some tomato flavor, which is more than I can say for the soup.
Rating: yuck face. Kids, don't try this at home. Or anywhere.
Wow! You sound like you're ready to come back to work if you've resorted to making tomato soup ice cream. The good news here is Amber did 7 proofs!
Kelly, you are one hell of a lady.
tomato soup ice cream. Hmmm. Let me think abou...NO! NO! NO!
But unless I had tried it, I wouldn't have known - not really. I tried it so you wouldn't have to!
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